I was back in the country of my birth and with John and Mel in tow we were to go from folk singers to pop stars in a few short months. The hair that had caused me so much grief in my early life was to become our trademark. Now people (mainly girls,thank goodness) still wanted a piece of me but for different reasons all thanks to a show called 'Opportunity Knocks'.
'Opportunity Knocks' proved to be the making of New World, but sadly also the breaking of us. It was because of that show we were to be involved with two women who put an end to our career. It was a show we all thought was a load of rubbish, but with a viewing public of over fourteen million (at that time the population of Australia) and seeing that we were already booked to return to Australia after seven months of head-shaking and no nods, what did we have to lose? Everything as it turned out!
So here's Part Two of New World's adventures. It was a great ride while it lasted and at least we managed to hang on for seven of that eight second ride. Yes, seven seconds got us our fame but that last second cost us our fortune.
This is the story of that final second.
ISBN: 978-0-9752287-0 8
A5 Spiral Bound with laminated covers - 209 pages plus photographs.