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Hello MaryLouIan B. MacLeod - Hello MaryLou - Cassette
Thank You, Mr PerkinsIan B. MacLeod - Thank You, Mr Perkins - Cassette
Return To Six O'Clock Rock"Adam" - Return To Six O'Clock Rock - Cassette
Rockabilly/Country SpecialIan B. MacLeod - Rockabilly/Country Special - Cassette
Johnny O'Keefe Memorial Show - LiveVarious - Johnny O'Keefe Memorial Show - Dbl Cassette
Golden Years of Elvis - Vol 1Eddie Youngblood - Golden Years of Elvis - Vol 1 - Cassette
Golden Years of Elvis - Vol 2Eddie Youngblood - Golden Years of Elvis Vol 2 - Cassette
FabulousEddie Youngblood - Fabulous - Cassette
All My YesterdaysVicki Forrest - All My Yesterdays - Cassette
Firebase FandangoRalph P White - Firebase Fandango - Cassette
At LastBobby Hunter - At Last - Cassette
To Ron With LoveRon Pickering - To Ron With Love - Cassette
Fractured Rock 'n' Roll - LiveThe Bar-Studs - Fractured Rock 'N' Roll - Cass
C'mon EverybodyTennessee Thunder - C'mon Everybody: Cass